Today, I skyped my first host family. I've talked to them over Facebook and email before, but we had never video chatted. The majority of our skype session was spent discussing my first few weeks in Belgium. We talked about trips, family members, the weather, school, and oreos. My host father is currently in the process of painting my room a shade of "not flashy" yellow. I can't begin to express how much I already adore them. Seriously, they are so incredibly sweet. We plan on skyping again this Thursday. Huzzah!
I attended a Rotary meeting a few days ago which turned out to be a very pleasant experience. I was introduced to the Rotarians and got a chance to meet my counselor. The meeting lasted approximately an hour-- just long enough to eat and listen to a few speeches.
Yesterday, I did a test pack. In other words, I put everything I've gathered for this coming year into my suitcases to see if I need to make any adjustments. It's going to take some mad skills to properly pack it all, but I'm confident I can use a tetris technique to do the job. The reason packing these suitcases is going to be a moderate challenge is not because of clothes and/or personal items, but because of the Rotary items. Pins, business cards, gifts, banners, and flags take up a surprisingly large amount of space.
Speaking of the Rotary items, I got my blazer a little over a week ago. It has shoulder pads! The dorky aspect of padded shoulders excites me to the nth degree. Sadly, it's looking quite lonely with only two pins (Larry is holding the rest hostage), so the excitement isn't a very stable emotion.
Oreos and tetris technique. Really good writing, Cayenne.